“Minotaur Four”


Oil & Charcoal on Fabriano
27.56″ x 39.37″ (70cm x 100cm)

1 in stock


Here we see a brightly colored portal, yonic and glowing in intense light and color.  A beast-like figure is either emerging or exiting the pictorial space.  His stance is defensive against the penetration of various phallic spears pointed in his direction; clearly he is unwanted, but why?  Above we see the velvet black of space, speckled with stars; a segment of universe.

Is this some sort of creation myth or doomsday ending?  Maybe it is here in this ambiguity and intensity that the artist makes us wonder?  We cannot see the face of the creature and by proxy have become him.  What is this persecution by spears that we are facing if we are both the audience and the figure simultaneously? Are we battling an innate beastliness, or just struggling against external forces that threaten to take us down?

Maybe this instead is an image of cosmic coitus- referencing both the phallus and the yoni, birth and destruction, the in and the out, the here and the beyond- a visual pun, better entitled as “The Big Bang.”

When asked about his choice of colors, the artist replied:

“I read once that red is the first color that a baby sees, so for me, the red of the corridor were thighs from the eyes of a baby…the yellow was caution, the pink and white a kind of safety and the black and white a kind of intellect and mystery.  Sometimes I feel the color more than I think about it.”


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