
Jeremiah Reeves was born in Denver, Colorado in 1983. After graduating from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, with some time traveling abroad in Italy, he settled in Kentucky where he currently lives and works.

He has shown work and collaborated in various different venues in NYC and regionally in the US including theaters, museums, galleries, alternative spaces, publications. While academically trained as a painter, he is also known for his performance based work. His repertoire is diverse and includes poems, performances, prints and even artist’s books. He commits fully to his work, regardless the medium, to give embodiment of his observations and perceptions regarding the human condition.

His work seems to exist between the abstract and figurative, full of expression, substance and humor. He hopes to discover a space of poetic mystery, where psychological tensions can transcend or translate into rhythmic, sensual points of thought. He remarks that, the pairing of poems with paintings on this site are meant to elaborate, point-to, share space, and converse with their respective visual counterparts, to arrive at a new and deeper meaning by means of a detour.

His cites Kitaj, Milan Kundera, Tadeusz Kantor, Willem de Kooning, Joseph Beuys, Francis Bacon, Fernando Pessoa, and C.G. Jung as artistic favorites and early influences, but confides that he finds his children more directly inspirational.